
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Listen to soundclips from my interview with Sharon Hinck

Cindy's Book Club has been a real success so far! We started off the summer with Lisa Samson's Quaker Summer. Then on July 23rd, we met to discuss Split Ends, by Kristin Billerbeck.

Once again I was so impressed with the ladies who participated. They are truly enjoying the books, and I think the authors would be so pleased with how they "got" the books, and how the books have enriched their lives. We've been having a great deal of fun and fellowship at the discussions.

Ladies, by the way, if you came and enjoyed the Book Review, please leave a comment! Just click on "Comments" at the bottom of this post.

My pick for the month of August is The Restorer, by Sharon Hinck. As I blogged earlier:

The Restorer is an unusual book, and one that, frankly, I wasn't sure I was going to like. It's a unique blend of fantasy and faith--pretty hard to describe. But as I told Sharon, she grabbed me from the first paragraph. I had a really, really hard time putting the book down--I LOVED it-- and I'm thrilled to spread the word about it.

Fortunately for me and those who have yet to fall in love with The Restorer, this is a series as well. I can't wait to sink my teeth into The Restorer's Son!

Here are a couple of sound clips from my interview with Sharon Hinck. In the first one, she explains what The Restorer is about:

In this next soundclip, Sharon talks about the "world" she created in the book:

I am SO excited about this book, and I recommend it highly!

To win your spot at the next August 27th Book Review, head over to Cannoli Caffe on Bell School Road across from the Golf Shack, and sign up to win your seat!


  1. Thanks so much for highlighting this book, it really is a dynamic tale and told with such power and skill that I can't bear the thought of it being a sleeper! I have recommended it myself at work (I work in a Christian Book Store) and have had only rave reviews from others that have finished it! We can't wait for "The Restorer's Son"

  2. Cindy, I'm SO delighted you picked The Restorer. Please let the book club members know I'm happy to answer questions and love to hear from readers!
