
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Flashback: Jane Kirkpatrick

...and a terrific give-away to tell you about...

Jane Kirkpatrick has written many wonderful books since 2003...most of which I've read. But in October 2003, when I started my blog Notes in the Key of Life, she was promoting A Name of Her Own and Every Fixed Star, the first books in her Tender Ties series.

The series is based on a remarkable, real woman named Marie Dorion, who was the first mother to cross the Rocky Mountains and remain in the Northwest.

Now, I must tell you that I adore Jane Kirkpatrick, both as a writer and as a person.
Back in 2003 I wrote:

"From the time I picked up Jane's book, A Sweetness to the Soul ,I realized that here was a very remarkable Christian author. Her beautiful,lyrical writing style would grace any writing genre. Probably my favorite Kirkpatrick book,though, is Love to Water my Soul. Few authors possess such a gift of evoking a mood or capturing a description sheerly through finely crafted wordsmithing and absorbing storytelling."

As a radio host, I had the privilege of interviewing Jane several times. I remember once, her home phone was dead, and she had to drive to the top of a mountain to get cell phone service to do the interview. I love that!

If you haven't read anything by Jane Kirkpatrick, do yourself a favor and get one of her books today.

In the meantime, read my October 2003 interview with Jane:

Part One

Part Two

And be sure to check out Jane Kirkpatrick's website for an update on her latest writings.

And now for that give-away!

Sarah Sundin presents The Movies and Memories Giveaway in honor of book 2 in the Wings of Glory series. A Memory Between Us is available for purchase wherever fine books are sold. From the English countryside to the perilous skies over France, A Memory Between Us takes you on a journey through love, forgiveness, and sacrifice.


To celebrate Sarah is giving one lucky winner A Movie and Memory Prize Package! One grand prize winner will receive:

* Make-your-own-photo book from (Capture your own Memories)

* Netflix Subscription (New or Nostalgic Movies delivered right to your house)

* Starbucks gift card (To keep your engine revvin’)

*Gourmet chocolate (A favorite in the 1940’s and now)

* British specialty teas in carved wooden box (Timeless tradition)

* Miniature model of a B-17 Flying Fortress bomber & C-47 cargo plane (Everyone needs a few toy planes)

*Big Band music CD (Break out your dancing shoes)

* WWII authentic poster playing cards (Cards – a perfect game for two)

* Keep Calm and Carry On (Uplifting sayings WWII, a boost for troubled times)

To enter simple click on the icons below (contest runs 9/27 - 10/17!)

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