
Monday, October 18, 2010

Flashback: Karen Kingsbury and Gary Smalley's Redemption

In February 2004, I read and very much enjoyed the first book in the Redemption series co-authored by Gary Smalley and Karen Kingsbury.

The two went on to co-author four more books in that popular series--Remember, Return, Rejoice and Reunion.

Go here to read my February 2004 review of Redemption.

More Booky Stuff

One of my favorite bloggers, Debra at As I See It Now, writes about finding some treasures at a church book sale. Check it out.

And don't forget...

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1 comment:

  1. I'm not a huge fan of Karen Kingsbury in general.. too fluffy.
    However, I LOVE the Baxter family books. Have you also read the Firstborn and Sunrise series?
