
Friday, November 5, 2010

I love Andrew Peterson! Flashback to My Interviews about the Wingfeather Saga

...and his Wingfeather Saga sealed the deal

I first interviewed Andrew Peterson in April 2008, after reading On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness. The funny, magical, adventurous tale captured me immediately, and I was excited to read the second book in the Wingfeather Saga, North! Or Be Eaten.

I wrote in April 2008:

My first clue that I was going to enjoy talking with Andrew Peterson--well, I guess really my third clue, with reading his book and hearing his children's CD being my first two--was listening to his voice message on his phone.

A clipped, rather formal British accent began:

"You have reached the voice mail of [Andrew with his real voice:] Andrew Peterson. [Back to the British accent] You can leave a message now or press one and let me tell you more things that you already know how to do."

Or, something to that effect. But leave it to this very imaginative and humorous man not to have your standard voice message on his phone.

Go here to read about North! Or Be Eaten.

Click here to read a one-minute review of On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness.

Oh, and Book 3 of the Wingfeather Saga is expected to be out in 2011.

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