
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Wonderful Book Shop

I've mentioned before that I love just about everything to do with books...including bookstores. Every once in a while, you stumble across a very special bookstore. I found one tonight in the charming little city of Georgetown, Texas.

It's called Book Pride. It's one of those charming book shops that beckons you inside and then makes you want to stay for hours.

All of the books are secondhand, and it's one of those where you can get store credit for bringing in more books.
The store is good-sized, and there is an expansive variety of genres and titles.

My mom was delighted that there was a generous selection of Christian fiction. She bought titles by Terri Blackstock, Liz Curtis Higgs and Linda Hall, and I suggested she pick up a trio of Rosamunde Pilcher books, including The Shell all-time favorite of mine.
The manager was friendly and helpful. Easy chairs were placed all around the store for convenient perusing...but above all, the books. Stacks and stacks and shelves and shelves of prices far less than you'd normally pay.
If you're a book lover and you're ever in Georgetown, Texas, don't miss Book Pride. You'll want to hang out a while.

1 comment:

  1. oh, that is beautiful! We don't even have a 2nd hand bookstore in my town and the ones in the nearest cities are small, dusty places that make you sneeze.
