
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What Other Book Bloggers are Blogging About

In the interest of spreading a little link love around...

--Fleur Fisher (who lives in Cornwall, England!) is reviewing The Hand that First Held Mine, by Maggie O'Farrell.

--The Ink Slinger is reviewing the musical soundtrack of Gladiator, one of my favorite movies of all time.

--Author Tamera Alexander is sharing thoughts as she reads through the One-Year Bible--also a favorite of mine.

--Author Robin Lee Hatcher is excited about one of her earlier books now returning to print.

--Carrie of Reading to Know is caught up with all things Anne of Green Gables as she posts about a Lucy Maud Montgomery Reading Challenge.

--Sherry of Semicolon is reviewing Murder Your Darlings by J. J. Murphy.

--Donovan of Where Pen Meets Paper is reviewing Nigel Farndale's The Blasphemer.

This is just a smattering of what's going on about the book-loving blogosphere.

If you have a book blog you'd like me to check out, please let me know!

photo credits: photo 1

photo 2


  1. Thanks a lot for the link! I appreciate it. :)

    ~ the Ink Slinger

  2. Thanks for the link Cindy - we try to review several books a week so keep checking back! We really appreciate your support!
