
Monday, February 14, 2011

Save the Date, by Jenny B. Jones

...the perfect book to blog about on Valentine's Day!

If you're in the mood for some fun, lighthearted romance that also touches on some serious issues, then Jenny B. Jones' Save the Date is just the Valentine's month read for you.

I thought I'd seen some pretty inventive fictional devices to throw two people together, but this one is an original.

As puts it:

Former NFL star Alex Sinclair is a man who has it all--except the votes he needs to win his bid for Congress. Despite their mutual dislike, Alex makes Lucy a proposition: pose as his fiancee in return for the money she desperately needs. Bound to a man who isn't quite what he seems, Lucy will find her heart on the line--and maybe even her life. When God asks Alex and Lucy to scrap their playbook and follow his rules, will they finally say, "I do"?

Let's face it; we pretty much know what the outcome is going to be. But Jenny B. Jones deserves credit for her lively, humorous narrative ("laugh-out-loud" moments is not an exaggeration) and likable characters.

Oh, and for focusing on some serious issues-- like the lack of options for young women who get too old for the foster-care system (Lucy's not-for-profit, Saving Grace, is based on an actual organization of the same name.)

Also, kudos to Jones for infusing Lucy and Alex's faith very naturally and un-preachily into the story.

I did get a little weary of Lucy's tendency to cause disasters, and a subplot involving Latino drug dealers seemed a little superfluous. But these are minor criticisms.

When I read contemporary romantic fiction, I ask for characters I care about and a story that keeps me turning the pages. Save the Date definitely delivers, along with engaging writing and a fun sense of humor. It's truly an enjoyable read.

Note: This book was provided to me by the publisher.

Speaking of romance...

If you love romantic fiction, don't miss this post on Seekerville. In fact, don't miss Seekerville. It's an amazing blog for everyone who loves to read and write!

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