
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Review of Operation Bonnet, by Kimberly Stuart

**Scroll down for my Ultimate Blog Party post!**

Note to self: Read more books by Kimberly Stuart.

The back cover of Operation Bonnet declares: "NOT your grandmother's Amish fiction"...and boy, is that right!

To be honest, I'm a little tired of Amish fiction. (Don't kill me, those of you who love it and those of you who write it.)

But with the exception of the fact that, yes, there ARE Amish characters in this book...well, that's pretty much where the resemblance ends to any other Amish-related book you've ever read.

21-year-old Nellie Monroe is a "luminary." One of her elementary schoolteachers dubbed her that because of her precocious intelligence, and Nellie still accepts the designation.

Still with some college to go, working at a golf course, Nellie longs to be a private detective. So she jumps at the chance for a real bonafide case--helping her ex-Amish co-worker Amos determine if he still has a chance with his still-Amish love, Katie.

To do this, she has to get up-close and personal with the nearby Amish community--which she does, by somewhat underhanded means.

So involved is she in her well as the fact that her beloved grandmother, Nona, is fading mentally...that she fails to notice that her long-time best friend, Matt, has been in love with her for years.

Kimberly Stuart's witty, pop-culture friendly writing fairly sparkles off the page, and made me laugh out loud more times than I can count.

Nellie is an immensely likable heroine, and I couldn't wait to find out what she would do next.

As for the Amish characters? Honestly, this book probably made them come to life more than any other Amish fiction I've read. In particular, I loved the ex-Amish boy, Amos...his attempts to fit in with "English" society are nothing short of hilarious.

Through it all, Nellie finds herself more and more drawn to her Nona's steadfast faith.

Operation Bonnet is an engaging, fun, intelligent, and genuine novel...a sheer joy to read. That's why anything else by Kimberly Stuart is going to be high on my to-read list!

PLEASE leave a comment!!!!

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Note: This book was provided to me by Wynn-Wynn Media in exchange for my honest review.

**Scroll Down for My Ultimate Blog Party Post!**


  1. I have seen this book, but avoided it since I refuse to jump on the Amish fiction bandwagon. I am adding this to my TBR list.

  2. I've never read any Amish fiction - or even heard of it before. Looks interesting!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Hi, Cindy!

    Wow, sounds like a really fun book! I need to keep this one in mind! Your review has really got me curious about Kimberly's writing!

  4. "To be honest, I'm a little tired of Amish fiction. (Don't kill me, those of you who love it and those of you who write it.)"

    Haha! Love that line! I get tired of Amish fiction just looking at it... :)

    ~ the Ink Slinger
