
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

WWW Wednesdays: What's in your book stack?

Hello, book-loving friends! Once again I find myself participating in a bookish bloghop for the very first time. This time it's W...W...W... Wednesdays, again hosted by Should Be Reading, and here's how it works:

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

Here are my answers:

Definitely not for the first time, I just finished reading Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte. I honestly don't know how many times I've read this wonderful book--it is, actually, my favorite novel of all time. You can scroll down to read my review of it. If you somehow have never read this book, I can't encourage you enough to do so!

I'm currently reading Wolves Among Us, by Ginger Garrett. I'm only three chapters in, but I'm definitely hooked. The story is set in 16th-century Germany and centers around women who become the targets of witch-hunting zealots.

Next up on my to-read stack is In the Shadow of Evil, by Robin Carroll. It's a romantic suspense tale of a building rebound scam that's exposed, with deadly results. Looks really good!

To participate, just head over to Should Be Reading and add your link to her comments!


  1. Oh, Jane Eyre, I've also read that one multiple times. I love it.

    Here's mine:

  2. I just finished a book, last night, called Friendship Bread. It's a secular book and I'm going to post a review on my blog today. I'm going to start another book today. Which one? Not sure!

  3. Thanks for stopping by! I will be giving away my copy of "The Tapestry of Love" starting tomorrow in the Spring Blog Carnival....

    But I had to mention that I am actually reading Jane Eyre for the very first time right now! I know, I am actually reading it and wondering what took me so long!!
