
Monday, June 13, 2011

Teaser Tuesday: Son of Hamas

Current read: Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices, by Mossab Hassan Yousef with Ron Brackin

OK, so I almost feel a bit deceptive describing Son of Hamas as "the book I'm currently reading," because I've taken detours to read two or three other books at the same time! But hey, that's the way I roll.

And now I really am back to reading "Son of Hamas." So far, I've just read the chapters that are kind of a prelude to the real action of the story (this is one of my rare non-fiction forays). I have a feeling the action is fixin' to heat up.

Anyway, I'm participating in Teaser Tuesday, hosted by Should Be Reading, and here's how it works:

1. Grab your current read.
2. Open to a random page.
3. Share two “teaser” sentences, from somewhere on that page.
4. Be careful not to share “spoiler” sentences, that give away too much about the book.
5. Remember to share the title and author too.
6. Head on over to ‘should be reading’ and leave a link to your post, so that others can share it.

Here we go:

The next day, Ramallah was ablaze. People were running through the streets, shooting everything in sight.

You can participate too! Head over to Should Be Reading and leave your link.


  1. Hey Cindy!
    Non-fiction is something I do rarely, pretty much only business books :)
    Where is this novel set? what is the real life incident it is talking about?
    My teaser is here:

  2. Hi Cindy,

    Non-fiction is something that I rarely dabble in, unless it is the larger coffee table books about art, travel etc.

    Your teaser lines were intriguing however, and on checking out the synopsis, I can see that you are into something quite hard-hitting and difficult, given the current situation in the Middle East.

    I am certainly not able to dip in and out of books, having to start and finish a book, before moving on to the next.

    I also only ever read a book once, before passing it on immediately. There are just too many authors and books out there, to need to read the same book more than once.


  3. I'm just about to venture into the non-fiction world as well. One of the books very close to the top of my TBR pile is "Goodbye Sarajevo", the story of two sisters during the Bosnian war!

  4. @Deepali, I rarely read non-fiction, also. I didn't post a teaser since I'm on my way to work and don't have time. I hope everyone has a blessed day! :-)
    ~Cecelia Dowdy~

  5. Thanks for playing, Cindy! :)

    MizB, TT Hostess

  6. It sounds like some of the news we are hearing on the TV newscasts today.

    Happy Reading.

  7. Wow! This book looks really intriguing! Happy reading!

  8. I switch books or start other books while in the middle of a book sometimes. Especially when I'm really excited/can't wait to read a book.

    Non-fiction is something I don't really read but it does seem like an actiony part of the book.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog to comment on my TT post.

  9. This sounds terrifying :/

    Thank you for the teaser!

  10. Hi Cindy, thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad Google Chrome translate helped!

    Your book seems to be heavy reading... I understand the need to intertwine with lighter readings.

  11. It sounds like an interesting book. Great teaser!

    Thanks for coming by my blog. :)

  12. sounds like its an intense book! very thought provoking and slightly terrifying teaser! it bet its a good read though.

  13. Great teaser, very suspenseful! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

    Jamie @ Bookerella
