
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Booking Through Thursday: Dog Days?

Participating today in Booking Through Thursday--and the question is:

...what animal-related books have you read? Which do you love? Do you have a favorite literary dog? (Snoopy, anyone?)

You know, I probably haven't read a book specifically about an animal since I was a child.

However, I love the way Dean Koontz incorporates dogs into almost all of this books.

This from Wikipedia:

Koontz is an avid dog lover, and canines (typically an unusually smart Golden or Labrador Retriever) often feature prominently in his works: Fear Nothing, Seize the Night, The Taking, Watchers, Dark Rivers of the Heart, Dragon Tears, One Door Away from Heaven, Ticktock, Twilight Eyes (towards the end of the book) and The Darkest Evening of the Year are prime examples.

I can't fully recommend all Dean Koontz books, especially his earliest ones. The earlier ones can get a little crazy.

But many of them are terrific, suspenseful, and even thoughtful and insightful reads, and his portrayals of dogs are nothing short of loving.

Go here to participate in Booking Through Thursday!


  1. I don't think I've heard of any of his books but they sound interesting. I'll check them out though :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog =] New follower now, cant wait to read more from you!!


  3. I read Fear Nothing and loved it! I made my hubby read it to and he liked it as well.

  4. I haven't read anything by him, but sounds good. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  5. I have never read any of his books, but somebody I know is always going on and on about them. Maybe it's time I gave him a try.

  6. I've never actually read anything by him, although I've seen his books around everywhere. I love that he likes dogs so much :)

  7. Hmmm, I've heard quite a bit about his books, but never read any. I just might now. Thanks! ^_^

  8. It's been a long time since I read one of his books. I always enjoyed them though.

  9. I have a cousin who us also an avid reader and she loves Koontz (and animals, but that's beside the point). I've always shied away from Koontz because I thought his books were scary horror stories. Am I wrong?

  10. Thanks for answering my question, Cindy. I remember that my cousin said more or less the same thing about the villains being punished or getting what they deserved. Still, this isn't a genre I want to read. The cover of the book you highlighted here is lovely, though, and almost entices me! :-)
