
Monday, July 25, 2011

Bookish Images Monday 7/25/11: Participate!


Don't you love this picture? I was drawn to it immediately.

I'd love for you to participate in Bookish Images Monday.

Remember, you do NOT have to post a ton of images--one will be fine if that's all you want to do! (I just tend to go a little crazy.)

They can just be interesting or pretty book covers if you want. Or just pictures of books, bookcases, libraries or bookstores. Or they can be humorous, or vintage, or related to movies based on books. They just need to be book-related in some way.

Feel free to grab this button:

Book Images Monday

Be sure to post your link in the Mr. Linky below, leave a comment, and visit others who may participate (so far, it's just been one or two!)


  1. I think I linked successfully. My images are all about beach reading. It's what I desperately want to be doing today!

  2. I love bookish images - the pic you posted in wonderful!

  3. I love, love, the image. It is darling.

  4. loved your image and love the meme!
