
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bookish Images Monday: Participate!

I'm starting something new here. I know many of you already participate in Monday bloghop, but there's no rule that says you can only do one, right?

On Mondays, I'll be hosting Bookish Images Monday. Simply post 1 or more--however many you want to!--images having to do with books.

Remember, you do NOT have to post a ton of images--one will be fine if that's all you want to do! (I just tend to go a little crazy.)

They can just be interesting or pretty book covers if you want. Or just pictures of books, bookcases, libraries or bookstores. Or they can be humorous, or vintage, or related to movies based on books. They just need to be book-related in some way.

Great places to search for book images are Tumblr, Weheartit and Imgfave. Make sure you give proper credit to the source of your images.

If you'd like to participate, post your link below. If no one else participates, I guess it'll just be me!


Feel free to grab this button!

Book Images Monday


  1. Here's one, Cindy. Blogger was giving me many troubles this a.m. hence only one image. I'll try to collect a few for next week. Belle

  2. I might start participating next week, right now I just wanted to point out that Colin Firth will always be the ONLY Darcy for me.

  3. What a fun idea! I can't promise to participate because I never know what my week is going to be like! But it is a good idea :)

  4. Hi Cindy,

    I came across your meme a little late in the day, hence my picture this week comes from my latest post.

    If you like cult fiction, then author Layton Green is the man for you. Fantastic, edge-of-the-seat action, from beginning to end.

    I hope to do better next time, now that I know about it.

