
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I have a crush on Adam Dalgleish

This is actor Clive Owen. No, he's never played Adam Dalgleish, but this is how I picture him!

Thoughts on "discovering" a "new" author

Don't worry, my affections are still securely directed towards my dear husband. But I have a new literary crush, thanks to the fact that for the first time in my life, I'm reading P.D. James.

How have I reached this advanced age as a passionate reader, and not read any P.D. James mysteries? After all, she's hailed as the natural heir to Agatha Christie and Dorothy Sayers. Her books have been made into numerous British television series (none of which I've seen, either.)

But isn't that the great thing about life? You can go for years reading books, and suddenly find this author that's new to YOU. Suddenly there's this treasure trove to dive into.

The Quintessential Detective Hero

Granted, I'm only on my second Adam Dalgleish book, but he strikes me as the perfect detective hero.

If the British national motto is "Keep Calm and Carry On," Dalgleish definitely fits the bill. He seems to face the most daunting situations with equanimity and cool.

He's the classic strong, quiet type, but he has his sensitive side. After all, he's a published poet as well as a Scotland Yard police officer.

Of course, he has tragedy in his background--the death of his wife while giving birth to their child. But he doesn't dwell on that.

I'm not just guessing that he's handsome; we're actually told that by other characters. "Tall, dark and handsome," in fact. Even alluding to Mr. Darcy of Pride and Prejudice. (Crushing yet?)

My Vocabulary Enriched

And you know what? I thought I had a pretty decent vocabulary. People used to accuse my co-worker Joel Griffith and me of conversing in a different language; no, it was just the language of people who know a lot of big words and like to use them with other people who understand them.

But my vocabulary is practically infantile compared to that of P.D. James. I finally started keeping a pen and notebook next to me while reading her mysteries, so I could jot down words with which I was unfamiliar to look them up later.

Here are some of them:


Granted, I may never use these words, but at least I'll understand them if I ever run across them again.

And it's good to know that at my age, I can still learn something new.

My P.D. James quest continues....

So, I finished The Black Tower and am now in the middle of Shroud for a Nightingale.

I look forward to many more pleasant hours curled up with my latest crush. :)

Come on, movie producers and casting directors. Clive Owen IS Adam Dalgleish! :)

Who is your literary crush? Let me know in my comments section!


  1. Good review, my auditrice and interlocutrice!

  2. Cindy, I really enjoy this book club blog! I have loved Adam D. and P.D. James for years. I'm glad you're reading them in order because they are so satisfying right up until the final one, "The Private Patient." My personal favorite is "Original Sin," since it takes place in a publishing house. PBS showed film versions of these books for a number of years. First, Roy Marsden played Dalgliesh, but in later films Martin Shaw played him. PER-FEC-TION. He's older and more weathered than Clive. :-)

  3. I forgot to add this; here he is:

  4. Oh, thanks! another one to find at the library. Sounds good! Cindy, have you read "Bookmarks" magazine? It is a wonderful source of terrific book reviews and all things book-related. My library has it, and it is just wonderful! They have a nice website with reviews , too, if you're ever looking for a good read (though it sounds like you have a nice list of want-to-reads!) And I'll bet you're familiar with the My Reads app on Facebook, where you can keep your personal booklists (what you've read, what you want to read , what's good, what's not, etc, plus reviews) Love it!
    Take care,

  5. Cindy, I adore Adam too. And I have to say, Martin Shaw does AD justice.

    I raved about PD James so much that a girlfriend started reading a book. Later, she told me that she just didn't find herself caring about the characters. My reply was that the best character was AD and you had to wait for a murder to happen before he came on the scene. (smile)
