
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sharing Some Link Love--What Book Bloggers are Blogging

Until I really got this book blog off the ground, I didn't realize just how many book bloggers there are out there--apparently, a LOT of people share my passionate obsession with reading!

Here's what some of the book bloggers are reading and talking about right check them out when you get a moment!

--Becky at In the Pages is reviewing Garden Spells, by Sarah Addison Allen. Becky calls it "a beautiful story of friendships, relationships and flowers."

--Small World Reads is immersed in Janet Evanovich, and offers a disappointing review of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie. She writes: "It was terribly disappointing for anyone who is a true Narnia fan. I will never understand why movies have to be such tremendous deviations from books. I just don't get it." Ugh--I feel the same way about book-to-movie deviations.

--I consider Semicolon one of the definitive book blogs of the internet. Right now, Sherry is working on a project to send books to an orphanage in Zambia. Scroll down a bit and find the list of Inspy Award-winning books.

--Seth at Collateral Bloggage is reviewing The Penderwicks, by Jeanne Birdsall; a book he says his 9-year-old son enjoyed.

--I've come to enjoy the writing of The Ink Slinger as much as I appreciate his book reviews. Today on his blog, he's featuring a video of the choir of King's College, Cambridge, singing the Hallelujah Chorus. But scroll down a bit and you'll find his thoughtful review of Ray Bradbury's classic Fahrenheit 51.

The Ink Slinger writes: "...for those old enough to tackle it, it is a must-read. And you don’t have to be a knuckle-dragging sci-fi buff to appreciate it, either. The warnings are timeless, and the lessons are as prescient today as they were 50 years ago when the book was written."

I've never read this book, but the Ink Slinger's review makes me want to do so.

--I adore the fact that Fleur Fisher is a fellow book-worm who lives in Cornwall, England--a place I've long fancied visiting.

Today she's reviewing Paradise Creek, by Leo Walmsley, a book that just happens to feature Cornwall. Fleur writes that the book is "emotionally involving, simple and utterly believable...will remain in my heart."

--One of my favorite of the book blogs I've recently discovered is Reading to Know. It has a look, feel and spirit that I appreciate, and Carrie's reviews are thoughtful and intelligent.

Today she's reviewing two books from the Grace Chapel Inn series. Carrie calls them "perfect, cozy reads."

So there you go...a peek at what some of my favorite book bloggers are reading and talking about right now!

Photo credits:

Photo One via tumblr
Photo 2
Photo 3

Please comment...I love comments!


  1. Wow, thanks, Cindy, for the compliment. I enjoy reading about the books you are enjoying, too. We could start our own MAS (Mutual Admiration Society).

  2. Thank you for your kind words Cindy, and for pointing me towards a couple of blogs I didn't know.

    I do hope that you are able to visit Cornwall one day.

  3. Wow, I'm honored. Thanks for your kind and encouraging words.

    Funny, it appears you and I enjoy several of the same book blogs... :)

    ~ the Ink Slinger

  4. Add my thanks to the pile. That was so sweet and I love hearing about which other blogs strike your fancy. Thanks!
