
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bookish Images Monday 7/18/11--Participate!

Last week I introduced a bloghop called Bookish Images Monday. Two lovely people joined me in participating!

All you have to do is post a picture/pictures or image/images having to do in some way with books, reading, book covers, even movies based on books. Sign my Mr Linky below with your link, comment, and check out anyone else who participates!

I realize some book bloggers are participating in other Monday memes, but it wouldn't hurt to do more than one!

Your blog doesn't specifically have to be a book blog to participate, and you don't have to post a lot of images--just one will do! Or, go crazy! :)

(By the way, my button mistakenly says "Book Images Monday" instead of "Bookish Images Monday" because I had a brain spasm while making the button. Maybe I'll correct it at some point!)

As I mentioned last week, you can find all sorts of cool images at Tumblr, weheartit, imgfave or Google images. Always give credit to the source where you found your image.

Do participate and have fun!






Top image via

Feel free to grab this button!

Book Images Monday


  1. Hi Cindy,

    I love looking at old images of books, magazines, theatre programmes, postcards etc. So much social history can be discovered in a picture without words.

    I don't read children's books as a regular genre, but I do love to relive memories of some of my favourite childhood stories.

    I hooked up on 'twitter' the other day, with a great company who specialise in selling antiquarian children's books. I have spent a good couple of hours just browsing the lovely book covers.

    They also run a blog, so I can go on and chat with them.

    Keep up with the bloghop, I love to stop by and take a look.


  2. I'm in with a post about the different covers to Five Children and It by E. Nesbit! Thanks for hosting!

  3. Cindy,
    What beautiful images! As a Mom to several blessings, I especially love the nap wisdom by Pooh! :)

  4. sounds like fun Cindy!
    will have to see what i can find...
