
Monday, July 18, 2011

My Top 10 Books So Far This Year

Fellow book blogger Small World Reads' post reviewing the books she's read so far this year gave me an idea.

For the first time in my life, I am keeping track of the books I've read this year, thanks to I've set a goal to read 100 books this year. So far I've read 40.

So I decided to try to single out my top 10 favorites so far this year. (Remember, just SO FAR this year!)

Here we go--in no particular order:

Before I Go to Sleep, by S.J. Watson--Christine wakes up every day with no memory of the day before...and scant memories of her previous life. She starts keeping a journal to help her hold on to what memories she does have, and realizes her husband isn't telling her the truth about everything. Riveting.

Lady in Waiting, by Susan Meissner--The dual stories of a contemporary woman named Jane, and Lady Jane Grey. Read my review here.

Operation Bonnet, by Kimberly Stuart--Fresh, fun story, with an adorably appealing heroine. Read my review here.

The Doomsday Book, by Connie Willis--A time traveling trip back to the Middle Ages goes terribly awry. Read my review here.

Blackout/All Clear, by Connie Willis--Really has to be counted as one book, because you absolutely cannot read them separately! Time travel to WWII Blitz era goes, yes, terribly awry. Read my review here.

Waterfall, by Lisa T. Bergren--A YA book that I enjoyed immensely. Time travel to Italy in the Middle Ages goes--of course--terribly awry! A smart, brave, engaging young heroine. Read my review here.

Fairer than Morning, by Rosslyn Elliott--What I thought would be a run-of-the-mill historical fiction book turned out to be much more--truly compelling. Read my review here.

Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro--Moving, fascinating and thought-provoking dystopian tale. Read my review here.

Her Fearful Symmetry, by Audrey Niffenegger--A captivating ghost story that revolves around real-life London cemetery, Highgate. Read my review here.

Kept, by D.J. Taylor--Riveting, Dickensian-era mystery, thick with Victorian atmosphere.

Here's to the next 60 books!


  1. Great group of books. Happy reading.

  2. You go, Cindy! Wow, that's a lot of reading, and they're all fiction in your top 10. :) If I showed you my list so far, you'd be asking if I plan to read any fiction. HA! Actually, Ink says that you've read some of the fiction I have on my list. With a goal of 100 books this year, of course, you've probably read the 2 fiction books I plan to read. :)

  3. Trisha, I sorely neglect nonfiction! I think I have read maybe 3 nonfiction ones: Son of Hamas, Home by Julie Andrews and Paris, Paris: Journey Into the City of Light.

  4. This sounds like fun, I need to go check and see what "My Top 10 Books So Far This Year" are.

    I just spent Saturday and Sunday cataloging all my books (read and to read) on Goodreads. I just started keeping better track of what I am reading this year also. In 2010 it was hit and miss. When I started buying books I had already read, I said it is time to keep the lists.

  5. I've been curious about Her Fearful Symmetry. Now I'll read it--that as well as my mountain TBR pile :)


  6. Cindy: There are a few bloggers out there (mostly those listed on my sidebar along with you), who could give me a top 10 list that I would read from top to bottom. Your recommendations are perfect! I need to get busy on some of those. Thanks for thinking of doing this.


  7. Wow. You plan to read 100 books this year? That's awesome! :)

  8. I have several of those on my wishlist, but Fairer Than Morning is the only one I've read. I really liked it, though!
