
Friday, July 22, 2011

Farewell to Borders

Yes, it's true. After trying to keep the company afloat in the wake of bankruptcy, Borders bookstores are closing their doors for good.

Being the avid book-lover that I am, this saddens me. I love bookstores. I love pretty much everything about them--except, perhaps, the fact that I want to buy everything in sight when I go to one.

I have some happy memories of the Borders here in Rockford. My daughter worked there for a few years, and overall it was a good experience for her.

For most of the time she worked there, Elizabeth had one of the best bosses I've ever heard of. Kevin had MS, and often had to work from a wheelchair. He was one of the kindest people ever, and certainly the most easygoing and encouraging bosses my daughter could have had.

She made a lot of friends at Borders that remain her friends to this day, and probably will stay in touch with her for quite some time.

I would sometimes have to go pick Elizabeth up from work. I would try to time it so that I'd arrive 30 minutes or even an hour before she got off work, just so I could relax in an armchair and catch up on all my magazine-reading. No one ever gave me the evil eye--it was perfectly permissible!

Then there were the days or evenings when we just went to Borders because we wanted to. We'd have a coffee drink and chat or read or both. It was relaxing and enjoyable.

There was a table in the break room from which employees could take books for free. My daughter brought home several terrific ones during the time she worked there.

There's still a Barnes and Noble here, but it's at the one major mall in our town, and it's not always convenient for me to go there. Besides, I just don't like it as much as I did Borders.

Farewell, Borders. You will be missed!


  1. I went to my Borders this morning and walked around feeling sad. This leaves our city without any decent bookstores and I honestly won't know what to do with myself when I need to escape!

  2. I don't care for B&N as much as Borders either, so I'm frustrated and saddened that the latter is going out a business. What a shame.

    It's so neat to lounge around a bookstore, even if you can't buy anything. The atmosphere alone - of hundreds and hundreds or books and the smell of coffee - is enough to keep me there for hours. :)

    I prefer to actually look at the book I'm going to buy, as opposed to just ordering it from Amazon. :)
