Monday, April 11, 2011

The Crazy-for-Books Blog Hop!

For the first time, I'm participating in the Crazy-for-Books Blog Hop, which I found on this terrific book blog.

(Apparently this blog hop normally runs on the weekend, but this time it's running through Thursday of this week.)

This week's question:

"Outside of books, what is your guilty pleasure?"

Well, right now, I would have to say it's this:

Yes, I adore Cadbury Creme Eggs.

Honestly, even though I'm a Type 2 diabetic, I don't have to feel horrifically guilty about having one.

One Cadbury Egg is 170 calories and 28 carb grams...a bit much for a snack, but not bad for an occasional treat.

And believe me, they're worth a few more minutes on the elliptical. As this person blogged:

Cadbury Creme Eggs? YES, YES, YES!! I realize that it’s just chocolate and fondant, but it’s just SO HEAVENLY. I love to freeze these so the fondant isn’t goopy. Then I eat the chocolate all around the fondant, saving the “yolk” for last. Most people I know who hate Cadbury Eggs think they are too runny and goopy, so try freezing them and let me know what you think. I will rate these 10 out of 10 forever and ever, Amen.
Goopy, cold, frozen, melted, whatever. I love Cadbury Creme Eggs, and for that window of opportunity in which they're sold, they are definitely my guilty pleasure!

What about you? Let me know in my comments section, or participate in the blog hop yourself! Click on the icon below.

Book Blogger Hop


elciaravi said...

The only chocolate I like now is Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Lover's Chocolate bar..amazing, and just slightly sweet. Any milk chocolate or other candies just taste sickeningly sweet.

Cindy Swanson said...

I try to limit myself to dark chocolate most of the time, and I've really grown to like it! And you're right, the Cadbury Eggs are VERY sweet, which is why just one is plenty.

Susan said...

Yum. Cadbury creme eggs are awesome. And they're only available around Easter, so they're a special treat. They make mini-eggs now too, so I'll eat one of those with less guilt, but the yolky insides are not as good as the full size.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and giving me reassurance!
Susan from ReadingWorld

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,
Thanks for the hop over. I also am a sucker for chocolate!
I'd love to send you a book for a review and whatever else you do - it would be great.

Beckie B. said...
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Beckie B. said...

Thanks for the plug! Have a great week.

Hannah Doermann said...

Thanks for commenting (:

I love anything with chocolate - yummy! Nice choice (:

Tyraa said...

Yuuuuuum. That picture got me drooling! Im a huge chocolate fan too.
New follower

My guilty pleasure:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

I run a hop on Thursdays and I thought you might enjoy this week's prompt:

Mystica said...

Welcome to the hop and I do hope we see you again! Have a good weekend.


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